green willow , eco-friendly

willow grows from February to July and in the right conditions it can grow inches per day. It is traditionally planted closely spaced which forces the wicker rods to grow straight and tall. It produces generous foliage during the growing season.

From July to November wicker stops growing and gradually sheds it’s foliage. Between late November and February willow becomes dormant and this is the season for harvesting and for planting new cuttings for next year.

willow plants are grown sustainably being very easy to harvest and requiring no fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides. The plants can replenish fertility in degraded and marginal soils and also provide habitat for birds and insects.

They also act as windbreaks, stabilise soil and can combat river and coastal erosion. It also provides badly needed seasonal income for families in farming communities. willow caskets-2 – Green funeral supplies ( willow coffin handle, what is a willow coffin, wicker coffin sizes, wicker basket coffin cost, coat es English willow coffins, does willow contain salivates, wicker coffin near me #willow #willow weaving #willow basket #basket #basketry #basketmaking #basketmaker #craftsperson #craftswoman #handmade #madeintheuk #coffin #coffinmaker #willow coffin #naturalburial #greenburial #death #gooddeath #deathanddying #lifeanddeath #phoenixnestcoffins

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